Popular Places (प्रसिद्ध ठाउँहरु)

1. Halesi Mahadev Temple:
Halesi Mahadev Temple (Cave)
          Halesi Mahadev Pilgrimage Tour is one of the most ancient and holiest places quite popular among pilgrims as the Pasupatinath temple in Kathmandu. The Temple has situated at the hilly region between two holy river Dudh kosi to the right and sunkosi to the left. Temple has preserved inside the small beautiful cave as well as there are other numerous beautiful cave scattering around. Because of the Natural Inheritance, everybody became spellbound while arrived to there.  
       The place became famous for its historical, religious, culture and tourism importance.  Probably the land has supposed gift of natural god because of three mysterious cave symbioses three eyes of God Shiva. After marching some steps down the stairs at the walls of the cliff there is a big red stone, which has worshiped as Gauri Parbati. Halesi Mahadev is regarded as the important pilgrimage destinations in Nepal. It is the natural cave, which lies in 4th remote hilly region and is believed to be in existence since 6000 years. It is the place full of natural beauty and cultural inheritance. It is popular among the Hindus as well as the Buddhists all over the world.
              There are three mysterious caves, which are believed to be the three eyes of lord Shiva. as we see in the first cave, we see an image of lord Shiva which is called as Haleshwar Mahadev. In the second cave there is an image of Nandi.
             Haleshi temple is situated in the Khotang district of eastern Nepal . This is a small hilly area full of natural beauty. The location of the place itself is beautiful. One the other hand, the beautiful and mysterious natural caves; full of different natural images, look as if the stone carving artist have donelt carefully taking a lot of time. Here, the images are all inside the caves which themselves are mysterious.

Pilgrims at Halesi Mahadev Temple
Worship & Festivals:
                Lord Vishnu was the first ever devotee to pay homage to the Haleshi Mahadeva in the Satya Yuga, the golden age where as Balaram did in the third age called Dwapar Yuga. Afterwards, many kings, sages, devotees, philosophers, thinkers, hermits, abbots, ascetics and shankaracharya have been paying homage to this sacred place.
During the homage hours, kettledrum, cymbal, clarinet etc, there is a custom of performing special ceremonial rites of the Haleshor Mahadeva during some festivals such as Bala Chaturdashi, Shiva Ratri, Ram Nawami and Teez etc. In between, devotees perform various other religious performances like fire sacrifice and recitals of the Rudri, the Chandi and the Vedas, our religious epics, burning of 10 millions holy threads and offering millions of wood apple leaves etc. The Haleshwor Mahadeva is taken as the god of fulfilling wishes and giving boons to the real devotees. So devotees vow solemnly and act accordingly as their wishes has been fulfilled.We believe this is only the place for the people all over the world to visit once in a life time and watch the beautiful, mysterious amazing and purely religious place where the people are traditionally rich in their culture. It is really a matter of pride to all of us

2. बराहपोखरी

       पुर्बी नेपालको पर्यटकीय स्थल बराहपोखरी खोटाङको दक्षिणी गाबिस बराहपोखरीमा पर्छ । चारैतिर पहाडले घेरिएको र बीचको खाल्डोमा रहेको बराहपोखरी पुग्न सदरमुकाम दिक्तेलबाट डेढ दिन पैदल हिँड्नु पर्छ । मुहान नदेखिएनि बा¥है मास टम्म पानी हुनु यस पोखरीको बिषेशता हो । पहाडी उपत्यकामा रहेको यस पोखरीको पानी सुरुङबाट निकास हुने गरेको स्थानीयबासी बताउँछन् । छिमेकी जिल्ला उदयपुरसँग जोडिएको बराहपोखरी खोटाङको प्रमुख पर्यटकीय स्थल तथा धार्मिक स्थल हो । सदरमुकाम दिक्तेलबाट स–छितापोखरी, ईन्द्रणीपोखरी, खोटाङबजारहुँदै पुगिने बराहपोखरीमा जिल्ला बाहिरबाट सिधै खोटाङबजारस्थित थामखर्क बिमानस्थल ओर्लेर पनि जान सकिन्छ । 
यसबाहेक छिमेकी जिल्ला उदयपुरबाट पनि बराहापोखरीमा पुग्न सकिन्छ । बराहपोखरी जाने दिक्तेल–खोटाङबजार सडक निर्माणाधिन छ भने, केही बर्षमै पूरा हुने उदयपुरको साउने–सुन्तले–साउनेचौंर र रसुवा–बराहपोखरी सडक पनि निर्माण भइरहेको छ । 
     ४.४६ हेक्टरमा फैलिएको, ३३० मिटर लम्बाई र २१० मिटर चौडाई भएको  तालको छेउमा शंखेश्वर महादेवको मन्दीर रहेको छ । पोखरीमा नुहाउदा मनोकांक्षा पूरा हुने, निसन्तानलाई सन्तान प्राप्त हुने बिश्वासमा बराहपोखरीमा बर्षेनी हजारौं तिर्थयात्रीको भीड लाग्ने गरेको छ । हरिबोधनी एकादशी, बालाचतुर्दशी, माघे संक्रान्ती, शिबरात्री र रामनवमीको अवशरमा बराहपोखरीमा सतबिज पलबीज छर्ने चलन छ । बराहपोखरीमा हरिबोधनी एकादशी मेलाकोबेला दुई हजारभन्दा बढि परेवा उडाउने गरिन्छ ।
          बराहपोखरीमा संसारमै दुर्लभ र लोपोन्मुख मानिने रातो माछा पाईन्छ, जसलाई टाढाबाटै पोखरीमा राताम्य देख्न सकिन्छ । जिल्लाकै प्रमुख पर्यटकीय स्थलकारुपमा बिकास गर्न सकिने बराहापोखरी बिकास, संरक्षण र संबर्धनको पखाईमा रहेको छ । 

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